Dental Fissure Closure
13 Mart 2023


Dental fissure closure, also known as fissure sealant or pit and fissure sealant, is a dental procedure in which a thin layer of tooth-colored resin material is applied to the grooves and pits on the chewing surfaces of teeth, particularly the molars and premolars, to prevent tooth decay.

The chewing surfaces of these teeth have deep grooves and fissures where food and bacteria can accumulate and be difficult to clean with a toothbrush. Dental fissure closure involves cleaning the tooth surface, etching it with an acid solution, and then applying the sealant material to the pits and fissures. The sealant is then cured with a special light to harden and bond it to the tooth surface.

By closing off the pits and fissures with a sealant, food and bacteria are less likely to accumulate in these areas and cause decay. Fissure sealants are most commonly recommended for children and teenagers, but can also be beneficial for adults with deep grooves on their teeth.

Dental fissure closure is a simple and painless procedure that can be done in a single dental visit. It does not require any drilling or removal of tooth structure. However, it's important to note that fissure sealants are not a substitute for good oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing, and regular dental check-ups and cleanings.